Afaan Oromoo Qabxiilee Bu’a-Qabeeyyii Adda Addaa
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Afaan Oromoo Diliin
To uphold righteousness and prevent wrongdoing is an obligation. These include: seeking forgiveness, refraining from sin, encouraging good deeds in society, correcting wrongful actions, giving charity, and making sincere prayers. Failing to rectify what displeases God may lead to punishment either in the grave, on the Day of Judgment, or in the depths of Hell. Upholding the belief in the oneness of God leads to entry into Paradise. Conversely, indulging in disbelief, polytheism, or hypocrisy leads to eternal torment in Hellfire.
New Zikrii Afaan Oromoo Best 6 Zikrii
The expiation (kaffara) for swearing an oath falsely is obligatory if the person who swears the oath is believed. These include:
1) Remembrance of the oath: If one fails to recall the oath or denies it despite knowing the truth, they should pay the expiation. For instance, if someone says, “By Allah, I did not do it!” or “By God, I swear I didn’t!”
2) Seeking forgiveness for the oath: If one doubts or suspects the truthfulness of their oath, or realizes that they made an oath mistakenly (such as swearing by something insignificant or swearing by one of their body parts), they should seek forgiveness and repent. If they remember the truth after making the oath, they should retract it immediately and not adhere to it. No expiation is required if the oath is retracted before the other party believes it.
3) Fulfilling the oath: If someone makes an oath, they must fulfill it.
4) Avoiding making oaths: One should refrain from making unnecessary oaths. If one makes an oath recklessly, they should refrain from making similar oaths in the future. If someone habitually makes false oaths, they should seek forgiveness.
Expiation for the oath: The expiation involves either feeding ten needy people, clothing them, or freeing a slave. If none of these are feasible, fasting for three days is prescribed. The person should feed the same amount of food as would be enough for their own family.
If someone fails to fulfill the expiation due to financial constraints, they should fast three days instead. However, if the expiation is not fulfilled due to neglect or carelessness, they should bear the consequences. If someone breaks their oath unintentionally, they should still fulfill the expiation. If someone is in doubt about whether they made an oath or not, they are not obliged to fulfill the expiation. However, they should still refrain from making such oaths in the future.
Afaan Oromoo Diliiwwanii fi cubbuun ilma namaa irratti dhiibbawwan qabu
In times of difficulty: Turn to God in supplication, seeking guidance, forgiveness, and relief from distress.
In times of blessings: Express gratitude to God, supplicating for continued blessings, guidance, and protection from harm by angels and believers.
In matters of sustenance: Acknowledge God as the provider of sustenance, being grateful for His blessings and seeking His blessings to increase provisions. Pray for a blessed and fruitful life, wisdom in managing resources, and success in endeavors.
In times of adversity: Seek patience and strength from God. Show gratitude for blessings, endure trials with patience, support those in need, and strive for resilience.
In moments of forgetfulness: Seek forgiveness, rectify mistakes, and strive to improve memory. Seek assistance from others and use reminders to avoid forgetfulness in the future. Reflect on the reasons behind forgetfulness and take measures to address them.
These are guidelines for believers, reminding them to turn to God in all circumstances, whether in times of difficulty or ease, and to seek His guidance, forgiveness, and blessings.
The 10 reasons are:
1) Place trust in God.
2) Support and respect elders while advising and guiding them.
3) Seek consensus and cooperation among community members in decision-making.
4) Prioritize seeking knowledge and understanding of both religious and worldly matters.
5) Strive for excellence in all endeavors and learn from mistakes.
6) Remember God frequently.
7) Acknowledge God’s blessings, guidance, and protection.
8) Strive for balance between spiritual and worldly pursuits.
9) Encourage honesty and integrity in actions and words.
10) Pray for guidance from God in all matters and seek His forgiveness.